American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers

Supplemental figures and table for "Fine-Grained Sediment and Phosphorus Storage in a Suspended-Load-Dominated, Alluvial Channel"

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posted on 2022-08-02, 19:42 authored by William Beck, Peter Moore, Thomas Isenhart, Keith E. Schilling, Richard Schultz, Kevin Cole, Mark Tomer

Supplemental Table 1. Storage reach channel geometry and hydraulics data, Walnut Creek, Iowa. Sinuous denoted as SI, Straight denoted as ST, Cross-sectional denoted as X-sec.

Supplemental Figure 1. Example storage reach design (A), with storage reach transects, plan view. Individual storage reach transect (B), with probe point interval, viewed along channel cross section. Bankfull width (i.e., start of storage reach transect) denoted as Wbf

Supplemental Photo 1. Cohesive sediment sample extraction using bulk density cylinder, Walnut Creek, Iowa. Core was driven into sediment feature using mallet and wooden block (to disperse energy). Core was then extracted from feature using a trowel, and trimmed clean.

Supplemental Photo 2. Side bar (SBAR), flow moving away from reader.

Supplemental Photo 3. Point bar (PBAR). Note channel incision.

Supplemental Photo 4. Mid-channel bar (MBAR). Flow mowing toward reader.

Supplemental Photo 5. Debris jam (DJAM). Flow moving away from reader.

Supplemental Photo 6. Beaver dam (BDAM) storage feature was not observed or sampled during the 2015 survey, however, the transient structures are present in the watershed during times of reduced hydrologic activity. Flow moving towards reader.

Supplemental Photo 7. Streambank toe colluvium (SBC) accumulation at bank toe, near waterline. Note visible Roberts Creek and Camp Creek members. Flow moving away from reader.


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Fine-Grained Sediment and Phosphorus Storage in a Suspended-Load-Dominated, Alluvial Channel

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